Saturday, February 13, 2010

Sidney Sheldon’s Tell Me your dreams

Sidney Sheldon’s Tell Me your dreams

I like the form of writing the novel is presented in. Simple dialog writing as I term it as. You don’t have to underestimate your vocabulary; in fact you build it as you read. The story has the appropriate twists and turns to keep the reader interested in it. It’s well balanced with emotions expressed appropriately. The Slang used is much appreciated, much common in use.

I liked the author’s catch in presenting each character’s grumbling thought’s in italics. It brings along humor and makes the story vivacious. I loved every bit of Toni’s Vicious and Vivacious character. She really is the centre of attraction among Alette and Ashley.

Sidney Sheldon’s Tell me Your Dreams is a must read, the characters chosen to perfection (I love the AP logic for the names).
He has built this novel riveting upon Sexual abuse as a cause for Multiple Personality Disorder in the society. The courtroom games balanced the story very well highlighting corporate culture and business realities (carrot stick methodology).

P.S. Should there be any better novels, please do feel free to reply them in the comments section.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

School Friends Meet up for what ???

School Friends Meet up for what ???
Below are some of the thoughts summarized about the topic I chose :

Friends have this preconceived notion that their opinions which were valid during schooldays or the past still prove to be right. They feel the knowledge derived from school made them masters even for future life and without any hesitation push(thrust) their views about their classmates and make him look like a fictional character in a novel, which obviously isnt true.(poor miserable chap) finds himself being confonted(faced) with a version of story he isn't leading today.

I wonder why do they make a fool of themselves by trying to have an opinion about others that too when you haven't seem or have known the whereabouts of the person for years. Its ridiculous,absurd.

I have seen that mostly students who are successful in their careers do turn up for school reunions. The reunions are mostly an assessment as to how far or how greater a person you are the stage of life you are meeting at. Just like the old days. Then it were grades(marks), Today its how heavy your pay check is.

Very few an open mind to recollect the good & funny aspects of school life for a hearty conversation.

There have been instances where many skip the reunion or prefer the presence of selected batch mate's presence to be part of the event. I might be wrong but i ve always felt the word 'Ego' play its part for many explaining what it actually means.

Its a must everyone should be working or on par with the rest by which I mean either you should be getting paid heavily or should have been inheriting his fathers business with a steady income to be part of the crew.

I feel it all boils down to one single word "Confidence". Confidence to face the competing crowd thats going to ask you to justify your success. The questions sometimes are intended to make a person feel worthless(miserable) . You should be ready for some indirect questions which would mean "I never thought you could be in such a position", I am amazed but i think its still pure luck your running around.

Note : Rough draft

Tennis – A part of my life?

Tennis – A part of my life?

I grew up watching Tennis with my father being a die-hard fan of Sports especially Tennis. My father always praised the era of tennis mentioning the great’s courage and bravery shown with his remarkable detailed explanation, with the stars being Bjorn Borg, John McEnroe, Jimmy Connors,Vijay Amritraj, Ivan Lendyl , Stephan Edberg and Boris Becker among the list.

As for me, being born in the 80’s, it took time to get to know the whereabouts of the game. By the time I was in my teens and I had learnt the nuances of the game, we began taking sides and being opponents off the field while the opponents battled it out on the field. We battled it out for them cheering, creating an aura of a stadium at home.

The only time I got a chance to chance myself as a Tennis player was at my friends place. The place was open field, cemented ground used as a go down to dry and stock rice. As it was a rice mill, we used heavy rice bags as a resource to tie the nets. We had his father’s old fashioned racquet’s two as neat as never used and the other two were broken. We were in our early teens when we tried out this thrilling game. We found it interesting, but we never could persist as our passion for Cricket never ever let it happen again. Tennis was an expensive game, not as cheap as cricket which could be played anywhere and everywhere.

The aura of watching a game live was always electrifying. My mother job was very simple, more games more refreshments. My father always made it a point to express his strategies and advices as though he were a coach.

Coming to my pick list, I admire the whole lot. I always loved to watch Boris Becker and Micheal Stitch play. The list of Ladies Singles consists of the most adorable Monica Seles, Justin Henin, Davenport, Martina Hingis, Steffi Graf and Mary Pierce. The Williams sisters were a big no for me.

My pick for the men’s stars that I grew up with changed as did the era of Tennis. Upcoming stars like Pete Sampras and Andre Agassi made their way to the Tennis Hall of Fame, but players like Jim Courier, Goran Ivanasevic, Mark Philipous, Nadal, Roger Federer, Ande Roddick and Marat Safin top my list.

For Doubles Paes and Bhupathi were an adorable pair and so were the Knowles brothers.

To End with on a thankful note: The seasons of tennis : US Open, Wimbledon, French Open and Australian Open, produce wonderful stars era by era bringing in a lot of new talent,sporting spirit and rejuvenated life for viewers year after year.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Success is never final. - Winston Churchill

Quote for the day

To love is not to look at one another, but to look together in the same direction. - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry