Thursday, April 15, 2010

My Favourite Billboard collection 14th april

  1. Raymond V Raymond
  • My World 2.0
by Justin Bieber
Is good to listen

  • Some Nice Country Music stuff
Zac Brown Band : Whatever It Is Lyrics

  •  Miranda Lambert
Country Stuff - White Liar

Monday, April 12, 2010

Quotes as on Today's Mood

Infatuation is being head over heels over the person for no apparent reasons. True love is knowing the person inside out and still loving him/her as much as you did the first time you set your eyes on him/her

It is best to love wisely, no doubt: but to love foolishly is better than not to be able to love at all.

Marriage is a triumph of imagination over intelligence. Second marriage is a triumph of hope over experience.

An archaeologist is a better husband any woman can have; the older she gets interested he is in her.

I love you not only for what you are,but for what i am when i am with you.

When a man opens the door of a car for the wife, you can be sure of one thing: either the car is new or the wife is

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Daily Quotes

- The most beautiful things in life can never be seen or touched .. but are felt by the heart.

- Feelings are not supposed to be Logical. Dangerous is a man who has rationalized his emotions.

- Emotions are celebrated and suppressed, analyzed and medicated, adored and ignored-- but rarely if ever, they are honored.

-- Prejudice is Opinion without judgment

-- Be what you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Don Moen - Like Eagles

Don Moen - Like Eagles

O my soul
Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
It's been told form the beginning
The Lord your God is on your side
O my soul don't be afraid
Hope in the Lord
By His righteousness and power
He will strengthen
He will guide

And I will soar
On wings like eagles
Held by the hand of God
I will run and not grow tired
When on His name I call
For the Lord is never weary
His ways are beyond my thoughts
I will trust in Him
With all my heart
(Repeat verses and Chorus)
And I will rest upon His promise
Patiently I'll wait...
(Repeat Chorus 2 times)
I will trust in Him
With all my heart
And I will rest upon His promise
Patiently I'll wait...

Monday, March 8, 2010

An Unstable Confused Mind - Technology to Advertising - A misnomer

Its Monday the 8th of March. Second week of Men's Hostel Life.
The day started early at 8, took my dose of tablets and food for the day. Packed and ready for the drive to Office.

My restless mind likes muti-tasking, It made me switch on the music on my Samsung Star mobile - the Same old ABBA playlist as the first choice and I started my journey.

Just for having read about web site technologies over the weekend, my thoughts made me feel miserable.
I started of thinking about getting well versed in HTML, then said naa may be CSS too .. naa Java Script ..and finally decided DOM's important too .. time passed I passed 5 kilpmeters saw few hoardings and admired the colours.

My mind changed gears, shall we thinking about the Advertising field? I began admiring the colours, was suprised to find that almost all shops had hoardings of discounts being offered, mostly a red and white background. I concluded people talk about recession, but the advertising sector has made the most of it with every shop requiring big fonts with off % season sales. May be I should read about how advertising works? i put the thought aside but couldn't. The thoughts extended when i reached a traffic signal. I admired the light colours of a Videocon Mobile advertising board. I admired the technology that allows you to so. Light colours blended are common on ads these days. Beside it I saw an advertisement for baby products. I realised all baby products are usually yellow, may be thats the catch. From Toys to advertisement, the color yellow works.

Then I admired and thanked Bureaucracy for its work in keeping the roads clean for people like us to enjoy our drive. Imagine driving your car on bumpy roads like we had 15yrs back in Hyderabad.

Finally I reached hostel, dropped my luggage and to office there on.

I realised I started off with technology and ended up with advertising and Bureaucracy, thats how unstable our minds are. 

Big week ahead.

Chao for now