Sunday, April 17, 2011

Top Quotes for the Day

  • When your down and out, keep the faith and you will see that it was a necessary step for you to fly high
  • If you love someone, tell them, show them ... Life is too short to hold back love. No Future is guarenteed
  • The privilege of lifetime is being who you are - Joseph Campbell
  • Forgiveness is the business of love
  • If you are committed to your dream & don't give up, it's not a matter of "if" but "when"
  • Give people room to decide for themselves ... that's LOVE
  • Reminder : Letting go is another way of holding on

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Word of the Day

Egocentric -
A self centered person with little regard for others.
Limited to or caring only about yourself and your needs.

  • They are of the opinion that man is "Egocentric" by nature.

  • Children are born egocentric, they stop crying when they are provided with what they require, and give nothing in return. 

Trepedation -
A feeling of alarm or dread
- A state of confusion, anxiety

Synonyms : apprehension

  • We all experience moments of trepedations and fear in our lives.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Number of Words in English Language

> 1,000,000 ( 1 million as on 2009 ) 1 millionth controversial word was "web2.0"

Word of the day

akin - similar in quality or character.
The basic vocabulary of German is akin to the English language.

ubiquitous - omnipresent
The language Hindi is ubiquitous in India.

summoned - Call in an official Manner, such as to attend a court
The Minister by summoned by the Prosecutor.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Word of the Day

Salient - Prominent
Example :
Following are the good features of the product - Simple
Usage of Salient :
Following are the prominent features
Following are the salient features