Tuesday, May 7, 2013

List of Technical Blogs

Blog Category
Blog Name
Automation Testing & Quality Assurance
Oracle Application Testing Suite
R12 Oracle Applications ERP Applications
QTP and VB Scripting

Above listed are blogs that have relevant technical content I have learnt and documented in the form of blogs.

Ajith Moni ( Alias Ajith Charles )

Saturday, May 4, 2013

What is Sun sign, Moon Sign, Ascendant Nakshatra and Match Making in Astrology

Hi All,

Astrology and Terms such as sun sign, moon sign, ascendant are my findings that help every beginner to get a deeper insight to the curious questions we have as to how is astrology so true.

Ask yourself these questions ?
1) What does my Sun Sign denote from a personality point of view?
"Your Sun sign describes your basic ego"

2) What does my Moon Sign denote from a personality point of view?
"Your Moon sign describes your emotional inner self"

3) What does my Ascendant denote from a personality point of view?
"Your Ascendant describes the facade you show the rest of the world"

Find your Sun Sign
What do you need to find your Sun Sign ?
You will need to have your DOB
Example : 13-JAN-1982

Find your Moon Sign ( Raasi )
What do you need to find your Moon Sign ?

You will need to have your DOB + Time of Birth + Place of Birth
Example : 13-JAN-1982 18:00 pm
Note : If you do not know the time of birth and location, I'm afraid you might not be able to do much but to somehow find it out.
Punch in these details in the site mentioned below

The result on query shows a name against "Raasi". Note this down.
"Raasi" indicates your moon sign. To translate the Raasi in "English", you can use the following link

Find Your Ascendant
Similarly you can find your "Ascendant" using the following link with the same details specified in the moon sign.Punch in these details as mentioned during finding your moon sign in the site mentioned below.

Match Making
Finally the curious part, Find out how much you score against your partner, any score above 18 is considered a good match. You will need DOB + Time of birth + Location of birth of both the boy and the girl.


Note : Again Astrology has its deeper insights and I am an amateur. You will need to consult an astrologer for a much more detailed report.

I read and believe astrology more from a psychological point of view to to understand to a person and accept the way they are.
I get to understand the persons ego, inner self and facade to the rest of the world from a psychological point of view. The match making is just to spice it up ;-).

How you take this forward is upto you :-). Good Luck

Ajith Moni

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Heres the update guys...

I found this amazingly lovely list of a mix of Love and Rock music I would love to share, some of them i've already heard but find it rejuvenating and amazingly nostalic.

Year of the cat - Al Stewart
Time after time - Cyndi Lauper
I just died in your arms tonight
Thats what love is for - Amy Grant
Teach me Tiger - April Stevens

i'll add up more to this...
Hi Folks,

Got up with this crazy thought of catching up on lost Rock Music.

Initiated a download for the hits of Nirvana and Bob Marley to start off with.
Listening to an existing mix of collections of rock songs i have on my computer.

I will keep you guys posted with my favourite pics i've picked for now are :

 I don't wanna a thing - Aerosmith
Sultans of swing - Dire Straights