Sunday, July 18, 2021

A soulful thank you to a special person in my life

I write this for someone who has done some much in life for me

You provide me more than what l deserve, everything you do has so much of love in it. I tend to believe, even God seems to answer my wishes and prayers most of it through you..  

I pray that I can care and love you as u wish how u want life to be. 

God bless

Friday, July 2, 2021

How to loose 20 kgs in 1 year 115 kgs to 90 kgs? Keep moving, walking is one such way to loose weight

To loose weight, keep moving around. Walking is one such way to achieve weight loss. We humans are designed to either rest or move all the time.

This is my story of losing ~20 kgs in ~1.5 yrs.

It all startes in the month of November 2018, It wasn't the first time that I thought to shed some weight. I had tried swimming and had gone down from 115 to 104 but then I regained all my weight back to 113-115. 

Like everyone, we always have a friend or find a friend to walk with. Soon i realized, we couldn't walk together because our stride and pace wouldn't match. What made it more miserable and less motivating is that my friend was taller than I am and he would be ahead within the first 50 steps and I would be gasping, yes literally gasping to catch up and give up catching up as well as walking. 

Okay, I had a friend for company, I couldn't walk with him, but I needed to walk. So i told my friend, you fly your way, i'll crawl my way out. He seemed a master swiftly marching with those giant footsteps at adorable and admirable pace and here was I like a baby elephant trying to crawly way through. 

First day I remember I walked about 2km, Question me, well how did I know it was 2km? Well, we figured out there's this google fit app and as it was free and we began to introduce ourselves to those fancy words of steps,stride, pace etc., which I won't confuse you for now. 

I went back home stepped on the weighing machine (This guy already has a weighing machine? Well, remember I tried to loose weight swimming, so I had bought one). This was the first day and it showed me 113 at night, this was before food. 

Next morning I wake up, it's 112 and I get all excited, wow 1 kg for 2km and I am all motivated and also at the same time wondering if I am missing something. Within a few days it all came clear to me.

So here's what happens, you eat food u and u sleep, morning you are 06 to 1 kg lighter than last night. Take away 1: Either you weight yourself in the morning or weigh yourself in the evening whatever your going to eat to going to add weight including drinking water. 

I checked my weight both early morning as soon as you wake up and right after dinner. I am a little too curious and love to observe. And this time, i was able to do it at a stretch. I eventually realized that I was losing weight fast. I was soon 108 in like a week and my walking speed and pace improved including my stamina. Well, this is not actual weight.... Sadly it's called water weight. 

Takeaway 2: You will loose 2 to 3 kgs very easily in the first week but then thereafter the needle stops, its basically your body losing water and it will take another 1 week of exercise to see another 0.5kg reduce. 

Conclusion: After your 1st week or exerciae and weight loss, continue the rhythm, and make it a habit to just walk for the heck of it. 

Btw, how much did I wall, and how much to walk? 

Did I follow any diet? What was the strategy? 

Did I take any supplements? Straight No! 

Who was my guide? How did you clear your questions and answers and motivate yourself? Answer : Listening to podcasts on Nutrition and diet. I cut the sugar! 

... To be continued whenever I get time... 

This story is incomplete. I plan to detail this article in parts.

I will share my experiences and take aways on how I progressed all through my weeks/days/months and years and what worked for me.

For now, these are the transformation pics:

This journey of mine started in the month of November 2018 and as on today I am able to maintain my weight at 88 kgs and plan to shed another 5-10 kgs .

Monday, June 7, 2021

What is Heroin? Is it priced high or is it cheap?

 I am based out of India and I read a news article of a woman being arrested for smuggling drugs. What caught my eye was 12Kg Heroin being worth 78 Cr.

This implies 1 Kg is 6.5 Lakh and 1 gram is Rs 6,500. This still felt costly.

A few more articles on the net, and here's the deal.

Drugs i.e., tablets are given in mg and heroin is called a opiod. It's a pain reliever and an average tablet is 80mg which makes 1 mg - Rs 6.5 and 80 mg -Rs 50. That's cheap for a tablet isn't it? In India it's still costly.

Let's get to the dollar world.

People have surgeries People have pain and are prescribed pills. Heroin falls in the similar category acting as a pain killer and is cheaper. That being said some take it for pain some to heal and some for pleasure. I am not advocating the usage of Heroin for any of this. I am trying to reason out the reason people move to Heroin.

The national average for painkillers tends to be anywhere from $60 to $100 a pill. Heroin is the cheaper option and to conclude on 3 short notes, here's the what Heroin does :

"To achieve the desired high, a person would have to crush the pill and either snort it or created a solution they could inject.Many of the pills are harder to crush now, and even when it’s added to water, it isn’t necessarily dissolvable to the point it would need to be for injection."

When smoked, the effects of heroin usually kick in within a few minutes.
The effects can last for around an hour.
Heroin will typically show up in a urine sample for 2 to 3 days. 

Heroin on the brain can cause cravings and a strong drive to keep on using.
This is a Class A drug, which means it's illegal to have for yourself, give away or sell.

Source and References:

How to resolve Failed to connect to port 443: Network is unreachable when using curl with PHP?

 Add the following lines to the code. This might solve the problem.

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, $proxy);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXYPORT, $proxyPort);

How to find out if curl is enabled for PHP on your web server?

1. phpinfo


cURL support     enabled
cURL Information     7.54.0         

2. Verify through PHP code

 if (in_array ('curl', get_loaded_extensions())) {

echo "CURL is available on your web server";

} else {
echo "CURL is not available on your web server";