Saturday, May 1, 2021

Top 5 tips of using meta tag in html web pages to improve SEO

 Meta tags are meta (additional) information usually describing the page and its contents. This is generally for search engines to read and understand the content of your page.

1. Set the charset -
<meta charset="utf-8">
This will ensure that when you go for international character sets, you will not see gibberish. If you do not understand, safely use the above statement for any html page.

2. Set the author name
<meta name="author" content="<author name>">
It is learnt that this information can be helpful in identifying the original author of the content. Search engines do use this information.

3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
<meta name="description" content="The important keywords of your article should go in here, so that when a user searches on a search engine, the page rank and the probability of the search results displaying on top results increases."

4. Keywords
<meta name="keyword" content="HTML,CSS,javascript">
Keywords will help Search engines as part of SEO ( Search Engine Optimization ) filter your page when a user uses keywords to search their results. It is also recommended that these keywords be frequently used- not overused in the content of the page being displayed to allow search engine to consider the page and keywords relevant and move your page up the order.

5.Title tag
<title>Your page title</title>
Even though this is not part meta tag, it is worth mentioning that this tag also adds value when a user searches on a Search engine and is an important parameter for SEO (Search Engine Optimizer), a key placeholder.

Friday, April 30, 2021

Where is php.ini located on macOS

Location of php.ini file

 <prompt>:~<username>$ php -ini

List the php modules installed

$php -m

Sample output:


What is the mantra and meaning of prabh ki simaran ridh sidh no nidh?

Happy Friday, I learnt something new today from a forward from a friend. It's a mantra.
Here's my learning or decoding of what's in it.

prabh ki simran ridh sidh no nidh |
prabh ki simran gyaan dhyaan thath budh |

I came to know that there is a complete mantra Read more

 Since I am no good at vocabulary. I did my part to break it down further.

Prabh -> Prabhu -> God : Prabhu
Simran -> Continuous remembrance
Ridh -> Prosperity : Riddhi
Siddh -> Accomplishment : Siddh-arth
Nau Nidh -> 9 Treasures

Gyaan -> Knowledge ( spiritual or religious knowledge )
Dhyaan -> Contemplation, Reflection, Meditation
Thath -> Supreme
Budh -> To Awkaen, To Know, To become aware or : Buddha

HTH, Please share your wisdom

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

How to find the OS version of a linux remote machine? /etc/os-release

 cat /etc/os-release

Should give you

and so -on...

How to find the web server location of html, php files on a remote machine?

 I had to make modifications on a remote machine.But i did not know the location where web server files html or php are located.

ssh username@remotehost
password: #####

bash$cat /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf | grep DocumentRoot

# DocumentRoot: The directory out of which you will serve your
DocumentRoot "/var/www/html"

cd /var/www/html

There I was in the directory to proceed further,