Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Read REST data using XML input to PLSQL

l_value varchar2(4000);

for x in (select *
from xmltable(
   passing xmltype(get_rest_details('http:///'))
   name varchar2(4000) path '@Name',
   value varchar2(4000) path 'Value'
end loop;
exception when others then



-- get_rest_details is a procedure that performs authentication and call REST service


l_clob := apex_web_service.make_rest_request(
        p_url => ' video/v1/list/published/popular',
        p_http_method => 'GET',
        p_parm_name => apex_util.string_to_table('appid:format'),
        p_parm_value => apex_util.string_to_table('xyz:xml'));

What is ESG in S&P BSE ESG 100?

 ESG stands for Economic, Social and Governance.

Companies that follow good ethical practices and are in the good books of the Regulators and Government

Thursday, November 4, 2021

What are Hurricane, typhoon, cyclones? same storm, just different names.

 Good Read :

a hurricane/typhoon/cyclone generally has winds stronger than 74 MPH (~124 Km/hr)

India - Cyclone, Japan -Typhoon, USA - Hurricane

How to clean your stainless steel water bottle or coffee maker using Vinegar or Bleach

Use half bottle vinegar with half bottle water i.e., vinegar to water 1:1 ratio. Rinse it.

Avoid using bleach. If you have used bleach. Use half teaspoon for 1liter water. Rinse it twice.

(2 teaspoons per gallon (3.78 liters)=> 1 teaspoon for 1.8 liters) =>~1 litre.



White vinegar has 5 percent acidity; while cleaning vinegar, on the other hand, has 6 percent. 
20 percent stronger than white vinegar.

Cleaning vinegar can be used undiluted or mixed with water, depending on the job.
For tough stains on fabric furniture or clothes, use cleaning vinegar alone on a sponge or rag to wipe away the spot. 

 It is not recommended to use cleaning vinegar—or white vinegar, for that matter—on natural stone, waxed wood, cast iron or aluminum.

 Useful reads

Are Raisins good or bad for you? (kishmish)


What are raisins?
Raisins are minimally processed, with no added ingredients or preservatives. 

How are raisins made?
Dried in the sun or in a food dehydrator
They are high in sugar and calories, so they should only be eaten in moderation.

To prevent natural discolouration, dried fruits are sometimes treated with sulphur dioxide.
This compound can lead to discomfort, headaches and nausea when digested.

Do Raisins Go Bad - Shelf life period ? how long do raisins survive?
About 3-5 months in the pantry if opened
 6 months in the pantry if unopened.
 9-12 months in the fridge (both opened and unopened)

How much portion of Dry Fruits raisins per day?
A portion of dried fruit is around 30g.
This is about 1 heaped tablespoon of raisins, currants or sultanas,
1 tablespoon of mixed fruit,
2 figs, 3 prunes or 1 handful of dried banana chips.

Soak 8-10 raisins overnight in a glass of water and then eat them in the morning.

Side affects of raisins
Too much dietary fiber can be bad for your stomach
Too many antioxidants can cause damage to your body
May cause Hypotension.

Can raisins make you sick?

It increases soluble fiber. Too much fiber may cause gastrointestinal upset, such as cramps, gas, and bloatingSome people may even develop diarrhea

Additional Information

The soaking allows all the vitamins and minerals of raisins to be released in the water while restricting sugar content. The process multiplies the benefits of black raisin for your body, hair growth, and skin.

How long to soak raisins?

Cover the raisins with room temperature liquid and soak for 30 minutes. After that time has passed, they're ready to use!