Monday, March 8, 2010

A Weekend of all and no activity

Weekend time.
After my first week at hostel. All went well. I reached home with many things to do and ended up doing nothing.

Saturday morning went well.
I did the routine mail checking and decided to read about how google search engine works and do some research related to it. Thirst for knowledge I would term it as for an unstable confused mind, trying to find get the basics right, wishing it could at least get one concept right.

I spent the Saturday afternoon walking and listening Ace of the Base, and cherishing my memories of the Ger together Dinner we had couple of days back. I decided to write about it. I started of well. In two hours I managed to write about 1500 words which include breaks due to power cuts. Decided to have my dinner, enjoyed the sambar and cutlets, Mom's dishes are always the best I concluded again.I completed the Article about the get together, this time with lesser enthusiasm.By the time I was done, my eyes were heavy and ready to hit the sack and I just did that .. Good Night!!!

Good Morning .. It's Sunday.Sunday went well, Mom decided to let me stay alone as she left for far away located church to pray for my betterment I guess. I was bored the first hour, fought the power cut and was back to downloading Spice Girls and B-Witched. Read more about web site development. It was an eye opener, How things arent just easy the way they look. Took notes and then decided to try some technical implementation stuff of computer languages. Failed miserably after the basics went right. Got back to figure out the perfect way to learn it. Found out there isn't any other perfect way but hard work for months. A lesson we already know that nothing happens in a day. It was a reminder.Packed clothes for the week and off to bed .. Night Night..Tadaa .. Another week ahead...

Friday, March 5, 2010

Review : Kindle Wireless Reading Device

Kindle Wireless Reading Device
Following are some of the features  :

- Carry it anywhere  you go. Read while you travel.
- Thinner than your paper back books.
- Text is in easy readable Format.
- Photos are displayed in 16 shades of Grey
- No more issues with the glare faced with Hand held electronic devices.
- Easy and effortless Navigation of pages
- Text to speech support.
- Remembers your last page read, continues from the place left.
- Kindle extends its support to reading your New York Times Newspapers,friends blogs, weekly magazines and any content of any and every website available over the Internet.
- No more worries about monthly roaming charges for International travelers. Kindle doesn't charge you for roaming.
- Search and Download facilities are made available, an example being Search by author names.
- You are provided with sample books to try for free.
- Kindle allows any user to Download any book from the site in less than 60 seconds
- Kindle provides a Back up of your data on Kindle stored at Amazon.
- Re-Download your backed up copy to an existing or new kindle.
- An Dictionary has been provided for word reference.
- Full Access has been provided to Wikipedia on your kindle.
- You can Add annotations, edit them and export your notes,bookmarks.
- Amazon provides a feature to convert your word documents and pdf files to be viewable by Kindle.

In short its a World of Content at your foot steps
GO beyond the book ..Carry books with you.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The day started at 8 today. I went straight to my computer, checked the downloads i had initiated last night and read the bible.

I tried to watch some serials, browse few orkut sites, visited communities related to it. Got bored and played a BMW racing game. At 2 O'Clock I had my lunch and sat back killing time over the net.

At 5 I practiced few hymns for the evening mass. We tried a new beat for a song "In Bread me Bring you Lord". We managed to put up a good show just like the old times. We practiced few new songs for Lent after the mass and retired back to our homes.

Watched the Sony Serial called, an hour's show from 8pm to 9pm( Please do watch, I just love the concept,the actors,every episode and the contemporary lifestyle attitudes and incidents directed and reaching out millions as a TV show.

Thats all in it. Time to go to bed. The downloads initiated shall kill my laptop soon, God save it.


Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Kite Runner

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseneni

The Kite Runner as the name stands tells us the story about two men, half brothers in their relationship, Amir a legal heir, legitimate to his father and Hassan born to his father’s friend’s wife. Amir unaware of this relationship with Hassan begins to feel jealous as he finds his father’s love for Hassan greater than his. Amir’s and Hassan are two sides of a coin in their characteristics. Amir never mentions Hassan as his friend although it wasn’t the same with Hassan.

Amir finds favor in his dad’s eyes after winning a kite flying competition. After the competition, Amir doesn’t dare to fight for Hassan and only manages to witness him being sexually abused around the corner by Aseef and his friends. Amir although guilty, unable to face Hassan for his cowardice, plots a theft and forces Hassan to be thrown out of the servant quarters.

The story takes a turn as the turmoil hits Afghanistan and forces Amir and his father to move to Pakistan and then into US. Time passes, Amir Graduates, chooses to be a Writer, falls in love and marries but doesn’t have children. The demise of his father and a call from his home land from one of his father’s lost friend Raheem Khan draws him to his homeland to repent for his sins.

He learns about Hassan being his half brother and Hassan being unaware of it. Raheem Khan realizing that he’d being old search’s for Hassan and convinces him to look after Amir’s assets, but due to the invasion by Taliban, Hassan and his wife lose their lives and their son is spared and sent to an orphanage. Hassan leaves Amir a letter that touches Amir. Raheem Khan discovers the truth behind sending Hassan away and helps Amir realize that it was time for his atonement for his sins and that the only way he could repent is by adopting his only living bloodline Sorab.

Amir faces his childhood enemy Aseef and saves Sorab from his clutches. Amir finds it difficult to handle Sorab. He too like his father being a victim of Sexual abuse, fears to go back to orphanage. Sorab discovers he might have to stay at the orphanage till the legal proceedings of adoption fall in place. The very thought of staying at orphanage instills fear of again being sexually abused.

Amir becomes an insomniac, worried about Sorab. He finally gets good news from his wife that they would be able to adopt Sorab on humanitarian grounds and they wouldn’t have to fight a legal battle for it. They take Sorab along with them to California. All the hopes of reviving the spirits in Sorab doesn’t help opening him up and he remains tranquil. He doesn’t live the dreams of Amir and his wife.

Things change for Sorab as Amir brings a smile on Sorab’s face by displaying his skill of Kite flying and reciting memories of the good times he and Hassan shared as a kite runner’s.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Story behind the celebration of Valentine’s Day

The Story behind the celebration of Valentine’s Day

The day started just as any other normal Sunday. I awoke to find my Mobile’s message box cluttered to realize its Valentine’s Day. I search over the net and was taken aback by the story and the meaning it conveyed. Here’s the description in my own words.

February 14th was a holiday in Rome during that period to honor Juno, the Queen of the Roman Gods and Goddesses as well as goddess of woman and marriage.

Valentine was a Priest during the rule of a Roman Emperor Claudius. Claudius wanted to be a powerful emperor and wanted men to join his army, but men weren’t interested in joining wars because of the love for their family and kids. Claudius foolishly decided not to allow men into marriage. The priests of Rome did not agree with Claudius and secretly conducted marriage of those couples interested being married.

Among those priests was Valentine. He was arrested while secretly conducting marriage of a couple. He was happy that the married couple had escaped, but had to accept the fate of ending into prison, condemned to death. When in jail, much to his surprise he had numerous visitors all who shared their love and gratitude for his service and support for conducting marriages. One among them was the daughter of the Jailor. The jailor had permitted his daughter to visit Valentine in the cell and they exchanged thoughts and talked for hours until one fine day he was to face death.

Valentine left a note for her thanking her for the friendship and loyalty shared with him signing the letter with the message “From Your Valentine”. The date of his death is recorded as the 14th of Feb 269 A.D. He is declared a martyr by the church.
Every year people celebrate the event remembering love and friendship.

For further Historical Facts Please visit :